mis niveles de habilidades de un vistazo


lista de los principales cursos, actividades educativas, conferencias y otras fuentes utilizadas para mi formación y mejora de habilidades


un típico Curriculum Vitae

2023Vice-president of NGO Bitcoin Argentinahttps://bitcoinargentina.org/la-ong-bitcoin-argentina-eligio-a-su-nueva-comision-directiva-para-el-periodo-2023-2025/
2022Founded Aleph Citadel projectalephcitadel.com
2021Treasurer of NGO Bitcoin Argentinahttps://bitcoinargentina.org/quienes-somos/
2021Continued working as head of Compliance for a Central Bank regulated Payment Service Provider (PSP)camilojdl.com
2021Continued working as head of Compliance for Crypto businessescamilojdl.com
2020Started working as head of Compliance for a Central Bank regulated Payment Service Provider (PSP)camilojdl.com
2020Started working as head of Compliance for Crypto businessescamilojdl.com
2020Started working as ambassador for Free Cities Foundation For news, information and to stay in touch with the community for the Argentinian Bitcoiner Citadel you can join here
2020Designated as the Argentinian Ambassador of for the Free Private Cities Foundation
FPCC Ambassadors
2020Coordinator of the legal affairs commission of the "Bitcoin Argentina" NGONGO Bitcoin Argentina
2020Creator of content and teaching of "Bitcoin Seminar 2020"
2020Completed Harvard's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python 2020 courseLink to course
2020Completed Harvard's CS50 for Lawyers 2019Link to course
2020Translation from ENG to SPALink to article
2020Completed Harvard's Computer Science courseLink to course
2020"Bitcoin: Sovereignty through mathematics" by Knut SvanholmLink to book
2020Creator of content and teaching of "Bitcoin & Blockchain 2020"
16 hour course
Link to academy site
Link to course content
2019Coded and launched camilojdl.com Wordpress, Elementor, Hostinger, AWS (Route 53, EC2, SSL certs, DNS, workmail. )
2019Mastering EthereumBook by Andreas Antonopoulos
and Gavin Wood

2019Translation to spanish: "Philosophical Teachings of Bitcoin. What I’ve Learned From Bitcoin: Part I"Enseñanzas filosóficas de Bitcoin. Lo que he aprendido de Bitcoin: Parte I
2019Attended on site Andreas Antonopoulos´ presentation
on site in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2019Commenced and organized 1st local Bitcoin & Blockchain meetup event. In La Plata, Argentina
2019Attended on site Deconomy
Deconomy conference, Seoul.
2019Saifedean Ammous´s , "ECO21: The Bitcoin Standard I" course.saifedean.com/the-academy/

2019Saifedean Ammous´s , "ECO31: Hard questions on hard money" course.saifedean.com/the-academy/

2019Saifedean Ammous´s ,Online Discussion Seminars.
Every Friday from July 26 to September 27
2019Speaker for event at Buenos Aires Bitcoin Embassy. "Hiperbitcoinization and Law"Flyer and recommended reading material
2019Speaker for local meetup. "Introducción a Bitcoin"Article
2019"Economics in One Lesson" by Henry HazlittBook
2019Attended on site
AWS cloud day Buenos Aires.
Event landing page
2019Baltic Honeybadger conference.
Watched the presentations online.
Event landing page
2019Organized local Bitcoin meetup as community creator. Event landing page
2019Interview at spanish speaking podcastPodcast
2019Started regular participation in NGO Bitcoin Argentina legal clinicActivity landing page
2019"The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age", by James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg.Book
2019Filed complaints iat the FBI and SEC in representation of victims of a crypto-scamArticle
2019Attended on site LaBitconf - MontevideoEvent landing
2019"Money, Bitcoin and Time" by Robert BreedloveLink to article
2019Creator of content and teaching of "Introduction to Bitcoin & Open blockchains" 4 hour courseLink to academy site
2018Digital GoldBook by Nathaniel Popper
2018The Bitcoin StandardBook by Saifedean Ammous
2018Advisor regarding crypto topics for Workjump ICOhttp://www.workjump.io/

2018Building Bitcoin"Breaking Bitcoin"
2018RSK Executive coursehttps://www.rsk.co/
2018RSK Technichal coursehttps://www.rsk.co/
2018Python 3 tutorialSoloLearn
2018Configuring AWS instance with AMI Worpress to act as a server for a websiteAWS
2018Migrated full Wordpress site to AWS - removed Bitnami bannerPutty - AWS - Wordpress
2018Attended on site "C20 Bitcoin + Blockchain" conference.https://c20.io/
2018Configuring SSL certificate1AWS
2018The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin Bulletin
2018Attended on site LaBitconf 2018, Santiago, Chile.https://www.labitconf.com/
2018Translation to spanish: "Black Markets, White Markets: A False Narrative" by Andreas Antonopouloshttps://bit.ly/2Fhkf8x
2017 Setting up full Bitcoin nodehttps://bitcoin.org/en/full-node#minimum-requirements
2017 Joined "Bitcoin Argentina" NGO open legal-discussion teamhttps://www.bitcoinargentina.org/
2017 Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies (11 weeks course)Coursera
2017 Watched online "Breaking Bitcoin" conferencehttps://breaking-bitcoin.com/
2017 Watched online "LABitConf 2017"https://www.labitconf.com/
2017 Attended on site "LA BitConf 2017 Blockchain and Bitcoin, regulatory and legal framework"Organized by the NGO Bitcoin Argentina
2017 The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and the Blockchain Are Challenging the Global Economic OrderBook
2016Intensive BTC use for experimentation, learning and testingMultiple wallets (hot, cold & hardware), multiple exchanges, p2p trades,
2016Mastering Bitcoin spanish versionBook by Andreas Antonopoulos
2016Mastering Bitcoin 2nd edition (english version)Book by Andreas Antonopoulos
2016The Internet of Money (vol 1&2)e-learning
by Andreas Antonopoulos
2015Bitcoin WhitepaperSatoshi Nakamoto WP
2015Multiple introductions to bitcoinSeveral sources
Ayn Rand full workSeveral sources
2009Law degreehttps://unlp.edu.ar/
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